Tips on Negotiating a New Roof When Buying a Home
When looking at a new home to purchase, make sure you look at the condition of the roof and don’t just take the sellers word for it. There are signs you can look for to tell you the roof is not in good shape and should be repaired or replaced.
If you see signs of sagging, water stains, mossy areas or missing shingles; you should plan on needing a roof repair or replacement. And if you are thinking about putting in an offer on a home that shows these signs, consider negotiating a new roof or replacement into the contract.
To do this, you’ll want to know the materials you want to use on the new roof, when it was last inspected and who installed it and when.
Ask for a positive roof inspection as a contingency on the bid for the house. Then try and book the inspection as soon as possible. Then you and the seller know the structural issues and have time to work on the details of getting it fixed.
Include multiple quotes in your discussions, to help make your case. Even though you ultimately want the owners to pay, try to keep the costs down and not choose the most expensive option.
BB Roofing offers several roofing services including metal. Plus, gutters, windows and siding. If you need help fixing a roof, siding, window or gutter, you can trust BB Roofing for all your roofing needs throughout the Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri areas. Your peace of mind and the longevity of your homeor building are in capable hands.
CallBB Roofing and we will walk you through all the options that fit your needs and your budget. Call BB Roofing for a free, no obligation estimate today!